Free Journals, Writing Challenges, and Activities for Your Mental & Emotional Wellness


Note: I recommend starting with The Self-Healer’s FREE 7 Day Journal, as a good baseline, daily practice.

  1. The Self-Healer’s Journal (FREE 7 Day Version)

Raise your vibrations, improve your mood and outlook on your day, get grounded, prevent anxiety. This template follows the exact rubric of The Self-Healer’s Journal 90 Day version—so if you’re curious about The Self-Healer’s Journal but unsure, try this journal out and see if it aligns with you. This is a great journaling template to start with as it’s the most fundamental and routine.

This journaling template consists of 7 single-pages of journaling based off of specific prompts or categories, like mindfulness, gratitude, and more. 

The prompts are meant to elicit brief, list-like responses, which make it simple, fast, and easy. 

The Template also includes instructions, descriptions, and examples so you can really understand how to get started with the journaling.

2. The Inner Child Journal (FREE)

This 7-Day Journaling Template will assist you on your path to connecting with and healing your inner child. Use this journaling template to connect with your Inner Child—the unconscious part of all of us that carries unmet childhood needs.

If you struggle with self-worth, self-betrayal, boundaries, codependency, feeling misunderstood, or people-pleasing, you are like many humans who have inner child wounds.

In this journal you’ll learn to connect with your inner child, identify inner child wounds, practice re-parenting, and begin to rekindle your intuition and creative play.

3. Keeping Promises

I am no stranger to "falling off track."

I set dozens of daily, weekly, and monthly goals for myself and often only accomplish a handful. I make promises to myself like "I'm going to quit alcohol this month" or "I'm not going to spend money on XYZ," only to do the exact opposite and then some.

I know there is nothing wrong with me--I have finally learned that. What I realized is that a promise is really a goal or habit that I am hoping to cultivate, which is at its core a behavioral change.

And while I can do tons of thinking or psychoanalyzing around WHY I don't make the change, the best way to approach behavior change is with a behavioral psychology lens. In essence, I had to stop thinking so much, and start doing. Focus less on the why, and more on the what.

Easier said than done for a chronic over-thinker like me. Nonetheless, I found this set of prompts helpful in really starting to keep some promises to myself. I hope you find them helpful!

10 Days of Radical Self-Care

Sometimes self-care can feel more like a chore than a treat.

Often, this is because we run out of ideas, become habituated to our self-care practice, or simply long for someone else to do the caring for us.

For 10 Days, I invite you to let me guide you on your self-care practice.

Each morning, you will receive one simple Self-Care act in your inbox.

By the end of the 10 days, you'll have 10 new ways to care for yourself that you can use at any time!

You can start this at any time, as there are no specific dates assigned!

Ready to dive deeper?

Check out the 90 Day Inner Child Journal!

The Inner Child Journal (E-Book Version)

The Inner Child Journal is a 90-day guided journal designed to heal and re-parent your Inner Child. The prompts in this journal will connect you to your Inner Child, facilitate meaningful healing, and teach you to cultivate your wise Inner Parent so that you can find peace and wholeness in your daily life.

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Not sure where to start?

I offer a limited number of 1:1 consultations each month, where we virtually sit down together to put together a plan for your healing journey that is specific to you, your needs, and where you are on your journey.