Signs of Healing Burnout (And What to Do About It)

When I did 1:1 mental health healing work in the summer and fall of 2020, one of my clients asked me for a “break” from the work. 

Each week, we tackled different topics like worth, independence, needs, boundaries, and more. It is important, nourishing, and beneficial work. And it can be exhausting.

I could sense my client’s fear in asking for a break. We were approaching the end of our second month together, and she had experienced profound discoveries and shifts in her life. When she asked me for time off from the work, I sensed she feared it might mean something about her efforts, abilities, or desire to do the inner work.

I was so proud of her for asking for a break.

Proud because for one, she was asking for her needs. She was sensing the mental and physical exhaustion, and she knew her body was asking for a break from the introspection.

So we took a break! Together, we decided she would take a full week away from the work. No deep diving, no journaling, no workhseets, no research or reading literature. She had full permission to simply exist in her life, go about her daily routine, and give her mind, heart, and spirit the rest it was asking for.

Healing, like ANY other endeavor, requires rest. It requires time away so we can recharge, zoom out, and re-engage with fresh and rested eyes.

Choosing to question your daily actions, behaviors, relationships, and ways of being is an act of courage.

Yes, healing is a triumphant, exuberant, and worthwhile pursuit.

And like any other form of mastery, it is a practice, a ritual, and a lifelong commitment: the work takes effort, endurance, and time. And as is true with any endurance sport, rest, refueling, and breaks are necessary for sustainability.

When we are undergoing a deep, personal metamorphosis, our brains and bodies need time to rest.

If you are in the midst of a healing journey, here are some signs you may be approaching Healing Burnout:

  • Mental and Physical Exhaustion

  • Meaninglessness, loss of purpose

  • Breakthroughs feel draining instead of empowering

  • You're analyzing everything

  • There seem to be too many answers yet no answers

  • You're frustrated by other's lack of inner work

  • Feeling like you know everything/more than others

  • Normal routines/coping skills feel dull or ineffective

If you are experiencing any of the above, I suggest taking a break!

Here are some ways to rest from the healing work:

  • Drop the self-help books for a few days and switch to something fictional

  • Notice urges to analyze or unpack your thoughts/feelings and say “I’ll figure this out at another time.”

  • Take a day off anything you do DAILY for your healing (journaling, meditating, yoga)

  • Ask your therapist for a session where you only celebrate your wins

  • Release your journaling practice for a few days

  • Take a social media break (a lot of us get self-help tips here, which is great! And, it’s a simple place to take some time away from)

  • Simply focus on day-to-day tasks for a few days (housekeeping, feeding yourself, laundry, the “mundane” tasks)

The idea is not to let go of the routine and skills that support you. The idea is to take a break from the deep, introspective, challenging activities you are engaged in to support your healing journey.

If you aren’t sure which are which, send me an email or DM me on instagram! I’m happy to talk it out with you.

Happy Resting,
XO -Rachel