35 Affirmations for the Healing Process

My current focus in my healing work right now is two-fold:

Slow Down
Be Curious

These manifest in different ways, and they are essentially dependent on one another to be effective.

I am working on slowing down so that I can enjoy life, reduce my anxiety, and practice checking in with my body and what little Rachie needs.

I am working on being curious so that I can look at life through an open lens, inquire deeper about unment childhood needs, and cultivate a dialogue between my wise inner parent and inner teen (my current focus in my inner child healing. For more on this, check out my Free 7 Day Inner Child journal).

These affirmations came to me one morning while doing my Morning Pages, on a day when I really needed support in slowing down and honoring my healing process. I was feeling rushed, frustrated, and overwhelmed with my progress, and these affirmations reminded me its ok to slow down, that healing isn’t linear, and that there are no such thing as setbacks.

35 Affirmations for the Healing Process

Wherever I am is where I am supposed to be. 

  1. Whatever river I’m on is the one I’m meant to float. 

  2. No matter how slow I go, I will always be on my path. 

  3. I am headed in the right direction, even if that direction is stillness. 

  4. Sometimes sitting still is how I grow the most. 

  5. When I let myself pause, I am better able to see all that is happening around me. 

  6. When I let myself ride the current of life, I become one with the universe. 

  7. When I relieve pressure to do or perform, I allow myself to simply be. 

  8. Nothing matters as much as my well-being.

  9. Wellness, peace, and comfort are my birthright.

  10. I do one thing at a time.

  11. I slow down so that I can truly enjoy each moment of life.

  12. I find gratitude in small details.

  13. I take my time.

  14. When I allow myself to greet each moment with presence and gratitude, I release the feeling of scarcity and find myself in abundance.

  15. This moment is full of joy, if I am willing to find it.

  16. I let myself be.

  17. I am right here, right now.

  18. In this moment, I am safe.

  19. My body is a safe place to be.

  20. My body has no intention of harming me.

  21. I have no intention of harming my body. 

  22. While we may not have always got along, my body and I are working to rebuild a relationship, and we both know it takes time.

  23. I greet my relationship to my body with compassion, because I know it isn’t either of our fault’s that we struggled to connect in the first place. 

  24. While I don’t agree with what happened to me, I can accept that it happened and choose to move forward, because I don’t deserve to suffer any longer.

  25. I prioritize my friendships, relationships, and chosen family over work, money, and success.

  26. I know that I may forget myself sometimes, and I forgive myself because I am human.

  27. It is not my fault that sometimes I struggle to cope with life.

  28. Life, like everything, is imperfect, and I find imperfection absolutely beautiful.

  29. I do not pressure my life to happen.

  30. Like the sunrise, I find beauty in witnessing my life come out of the darkness over, and over, and over.

  31. Like the sunset, I do not feel anger or sorrow when watching myself fall into darkness--I find appreciation and gratitude for its beauty, and trust that soon the light will come again.

  32. Like mother nature, I am always growing, ever changing, and never the same.

  33. My leaves like clockwork change colors with the seasons and I may shed my branchy bones in the same timely fashion, but the cyclical nature of my loss and regrowth does not mean I am the same, because those who look closely enough will see that these patterns do not keep me stuck, they are a natural part of how I age into my highest, grandest, and wisest self--for trees still grow tall and root deeper into the earth through the seasons.

I hope these find you well. I recite these, and other affirmations, Mon-Fri on my instagram and TikTok at 8am PST, live. I also have IGTVs where I am saying them outloud, if you want can’t show up live and want them recited to you.

Share this with anyone you think might benefit from these words.