100 Affirmations for Self-Love

Two months ago, I had a complete nervous breakdown. Like a full on, central nervous system, emotional and physiological breakdown.

Everything startled me. Everything scared me. Mundane mistakes enraged me and I had urges to punch walls and scream at strangers. One morning, my breakfast toast had too much peanut butter, so I threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

I was not doing well.

This came just a few weeks after my divorce papers were finalized, which was followed by a very timely accident where I broke my big toe and kneecap. A month prior, I was sexually assaulted. While I had ample support from friends and a therapist, the combination and back to back timing of all these experiences gave my nervous system zero rest, and I couldn’t recalibrate.

I had been through a nervous system collapse before two years earlier, but at that time I had no idea that my rage attacks, emotional lability, hair loss, and seemingly undiagnosable digestive issues were related to my nervous system.

This time, I was able to see a naturopath who diagnosed me with a nervous system collapse, which essentially meant that the chronic stress of 2020 (thanks COVID), my divorce, sexual assault, and my ongoing symptoms of depression/anxiety/eating disorder was so intense (or, too sequential and without ample time for recovery), that my nervous system—the system designed to help us regulate stress—couldn’t keep up.

In other words, the system that connects our brains to our bodies and communicates threat and danger to our system so that we can physically respond, had broken down. This is why everything stressed me out. This is why everything set me into a fit of rage—or biologically speaking, fight mode to protect me from a perceived threat. My survival system basically left itself on, because it assumed it would not get the chance to turn off.

To cope with being on bedrest from my broken bones, I started reciting affirmations. I would go live on TikTok (I know, I know. But I was desperate) and say the affirmations there to hold myself accountable.

I found that in saying them outloud, into a camera—to myself—made me feel exponentially better.

Affirmations didn’t cure my nervous system, but they regulated my distress. Saying these affirmations outloud, looking at myself in the camera, and feeling connected to others gave me a sense of safety, hope, and purpose. Which my brain needed. My brain needed to know I was safe. My brain needed to know I could trust people. And my brain needed the actual content from the affirmations to begin rewiring the communication between my thoughts and my physical body.

Now that I am doing better, I’ve decided to create my own list of affirmations. It is my hope that these might help you the way they helped me.

My invitation to you is to recite them outloud, in the mirror. If that feels too overwhelming, start by just saying them outloud.

If you’re looking for ways to create your own unique affirmations, I suggest trying my 90 Day Guided Journal, “The Self-Healer’s Journal.”

100 Affirmations for Self-Love

  1. I am always home

  2. I appreciate every moment I am alive

  3. I belong

  4. There is nowhere I am supposed to be but right here, right now

  5. I am grateful for everything in my life

  6. Everything I need is already with me

  7. How wonderful it is to breathe, to live, and to be able to experience this life

  8. It is ok to let go of grief, it does not mean I have forgotten

  9. I let go of what no longer serves me

  10. I forgive myself for the mistakes I have made

  11. I am moving forward and onward from my past

  12. I let go of relationships that no longer serve me

  13. It is always ok to begin again

  14. I exude worthiness and influence others to do the same

  15. I participate in life because I can, not because I earned that right

  16. I am worthy of all that I desire

  17. I don’t have to prove myself to people who truly love me

  18. I am a good partner

  19. I am open to receiving love

  20. I listen to and respect other's needs

  21. I appreciate each person who comes into my life

  22. I am deserving of love

  23. Love is me and I am love

  24. I am capable of giving love

  25. Relationships take work and I am committed to loving effort in my partnerships

  26. I have all the love I could ever need right here, right now

  27. I deserve love

  28. I get to choose what love means for me and how I define it

  29. I never have to prove myself

  30. I do not need to do anything to be enough

  31. My worth is based on my existence

  32. I take care of my body as if it were the most important thing in my life

  33. I love and respect my body

  34. My body is my home and I care for it as such

  35. I treat my body like a temple

  36. I protect my body because honor my body

  37. My body is special, and I respect her needs and listen to her whispers

  38. I allow myself to feel pleasure, delight, and sensory experiences

  39. I connect with my body with intentionality, curiosity, and love

  40. I deserve joy, play, and pleasure

  41. I am always good enough

  42. I learn something valuable from every experience I have

  43. I grow and learn with ease

  44. I am capable of anything I set my mind to

  45. It is ok not to have everything figured out

  46. I am grateful to discover how capable I am in moments of uncertainty

  47. I am capable of creating the world I want for myself

  48. I can overcome any obstacle

  49. I can create something out of nothing

  50. Sometimes, what I set out to do is simply a doorway for the better thing that’s to come

  51. It is easy for me to bring all that I desire into my life

  52. I believe in my ability to create something out of nothing

  53. I figure things out as I go

  54. I solve problems with wisdom and creativity

  55. My power to create the life I want is infinite

  56. I learn and adapt with grace

  57. I am allowed sexual boundaries and I am allowed to say no

  58. I love how well I set boundaries

  59. I trust my intuition and honor my limitations

  60. It is ok to change my mind

  61. Communicating my needs and desires is an act of love for me and the other

  62. Nobody gets to decide what my boundaries are except for me

  63. I am allowed to say “no”

  64. Only those who respect me as much as I do are given the luxury of knowing me

  65. I love when others set boundaries with me so that I know how to show them I respect them

  66. My sexuality is not up for debate

  67. My limits are not my limitations: they are how I keep myself safe

  68. My energy is worthy of preservation and recharge

  69. The projects I believe in will come to fruition

  70. When I set goals for myself, I am always successful

  71. People can trust me to make things happen

  72. I do not need anybody’s approval to go after what I want

  73. I have success in my work and professional endeavors

  74. People want to hire me because of who I am

  75. When I make an impact in a way that feels meaningful, I am successful

  76. Money comes easily to me

  77. I am a badass human being

  78. I attract wealth and prosperity

  79. When I commit to my passions, I am rewarded

  80. What happened to me in the past does not have to stay with me forever

  81. While past trauma may have left an imprint, I can choose to use that imprint as a map for others who come after me

  82. I am not what happened to me

  83. My past and the lessons I’ve learned give me the power to be a teacher and help others

  84. All that I could need is at my fingertips

  85. I am joy, I am ease, I am rest

  86. I am one of the stars and the stars are one of me

  87. I am pure magic

  88. My life is a canvas, and I am an active participant in painting every detail

  89. I am allowed deep rest

  90. I am the maker of my life

  91. I am one with the universe

  92. What I visualize is what I materialize

  93. I’m a miracle worker

  94. I am manifesting peace, joy, and ease

  95. I am supposed to be here

  96. The universe made me on purpose

  97. I am connected to everyone and everything I meet

  98. I can picture everything I desire, and soon it will be mine

  99. I create magic

  100. I am.

Love these affirmations? Send them to a friend, or tag me on instagram @rachel_havekost if you use them!

The Self-Healer's Journal (E-Book Version)

A 90 Day Guided Journal to take you from feeling LOST, DISCONNECTED, and STRESSED to GROUNDED, BLISSFULLY ENGAGED, and FULLY ALIGNED with life.

The Self-Healer's Journal follows an easy-to-follow structured format to specifically designed to help you fall in love with your life in just a few minutes each day with over 90 research-backed prompts and exercises.

This is the e-version of the 90 Day Guided Journal. It is an electronic workbook that you can complete on your device, or use as a guide to fill out your own journal with!

Fall in LOVE with yourself.
Fall in LINE with your purpose.
Fall in LOVE with your life.

You deserve this. Buy your copy now and embark on a beautiful 90-day journey that will propel you into your true purpose and self.

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